Milkers Meeting

Monday, February 11, 2019

Join Fergus at our Dursley Branch for an interactive presentation on milking routine. This meeting will serve as essential training for any staff involved in the milking process. Topics covered will include: The cows response to milking and how this affects speed and efficiency. The importance of an effective and consistent milking routine. Teat end damage - how it affects susceptibility to mastitis and how we can prevent it. Using farm case studies we will examine milking routines and explore how these could be improved to reduce time spent in the parlour while maximise milk yield. In the process we will work towards developing the optimal routine for your specific unit.

Monday 11th March 11:30, Dursley Branch

£30 + VAT for the first trainee from each holding, £15 for each thereafter

Lunch will be provided

Please call reception on 01453 511311 to book your place now.